VoltMU In-Game Rules & Policies
Like any community, VoltMU has established rules and regulations to maintain a healthy gaming atmosphere and ensure fair treatment for all members. By creating an account on VoltMU, you agree to abide by the following rules.
Using Hacks: Hacking is strictly prohibited and will result in an immediate permanent ban without warning. VoltMU does not tolerate any programs or software that provide an unfair advantage over other players.
Bug Exploits: If you discover any bugs, please report them to a staff member immediately using the in-game ticket feature or the forums. Abusing any exploits will lead to punishment.
Cheating: Cheating refers to any attempt to gain an advantage over other players. While the definition may vary, we reserve the right to determine cheating based on the situation.
Account Sharing: Selling or sharing accounts or characters is against VoltMU's policies. Keep your login information private. Staff will not assist in account recovery if you share your account. Violators will be banned.
Begging, Scamming, or Cheating Staff: VoltMU staff members are experienced, honest, and friendly. Do not attempt to scam, beg for items, or manipulate staff for unfair benefits. Accounts may be suspended based on the situation, as decided by staff.
No Abusive Conduct: While you may not like every player, you must treat them with respect. Harassment, abusive language, or any objectionable behavior is strictly forbidden. This includes trolling, griefing, and spamming.
No Impersonating Staff: Characters or guilds that imitate staff members will be deleted immediately and result in a lifetime ban.
Farming: Farming honor, arena points, badges, or tokens using alternate accounts, multiboxing, or friends is against the rules and will be punished. Violators will have their characters deleted.
Ticket System & In-Game Support: VoltMU GMs volunteer their time to assist players. Do not submit tickets for questions easily answered through search engines or our forums. Respectful and concise tickets will receive attention; others may be deleted without response.
Advertisement: Advertising other servers or products is strictly prohibited and will result in an instant ban. This includes any harmful or objectionable content.
Creating Drama and Accusations: Remember, this is a game with other people. Avoid spamming when players loot items and focus on enjoying the game!